For those of you worrying, I don't have much to post. From my nursing standpoint Brian is doing pretty well, considering. His spirits are good and he's been walking at least four times a day. They put these stars up for every transplant they do and we are anxiously waiting for his to go up. He's had a couple of gi issues apparently this is common because the chemo kills the mucosal lining. He feels like food sticks sometimes and can't taste very well but he makes himself eat. We've gotten close to another family here. The husband/father, Ed has been on a vent for 21 days now. His transplant went well, but then he got an rsv infection. I continue to pray for them every day. You can tell they are a loving family. I mention this because their son who has to be in his twenties, offered us a tube of diaper rash cream. How funny is that. He said he doesn't have a Colon so he's tried every brand and he orders one by the case. He says he offers it to everyone he knows. Too funny. They are a God loving catholic family. The wife said that they went to Hawaii for 5days before the came here and she is thankful for that time. She also says she knows that Ed is in gods hands and that she's just along for the ride and that he just wanted more time with their children. Not so different from us huh?
The nursing staff are nice but they don't do much for Brian. This should irritate me,but frankly I'd like to keep it that way. We don't see too many other pts on our walks so I'm assuming that Brian is doing well. A famous football players son is here. In the interest of HIPPA I won't say who, but I will say that he didn't seem be MEAN at all, and had some encouraging words for Brian when we were out walking last night. The men can all tell you his stats, but to me he was just a nice man battling the fact that a son he loves has leukemia.
Talking to the kids tonight was good. I talked to Angie for a long time and I hope we always have that. I love hearing all the tiny details of her day, and I can always count on Tony to crack me up. Zach, oh my zachadoodle, what can I say? I even enjoy his difficultness. Brian is known as the guy that has five kids. Even here, we endure peoples shocked comments. Maybe it makes some feel even more pity, but I wouldn't change a single thing. Brian's second birthday card says "my children are my greatest gift". When the secretary asked him to tell her about himself that was the very first thing he said. They are the reason that he gets up and endures this every morning and as our new friend says, "I'm just along for the ride"
axe throwing
2 months ago
Thanks for updating Vic. Love you guys. I'll pray for Ed too.