Well, today like most days was a mixture of good and bad. Brian has been pretty "lucky" in that he only has a few side affects according to his Dr. The bummer is that he is going to have to deal with them until his counts start to go up. His Doctor said that he thought he'd get out of here next week. Praying that happens. We are ready to be home with our kids. We've both said that we are never eating hospital food again. I get it here and then again at work. Ugh. I did pick up a few snacks and theres always pb&j.
Brian's counts were really low today. WBC <100, HCT 24.5, Platelets 6K, TP 0, ANC 0. For the nonmedical readers, Yikes. Well, he got blood and platelets today and was kind of nauseated all day. We didnt care for his nurse today. She was a no it all that spent all day talking down to him. Funny, Brian says "I don't care for her". Brian likes EVERYONE. But, thankfully, we like our nurse tonight. He's running a bit of temp tonight.
Angie and Tony are going on a GT field trip. They get to do a tour of the TV station as part of their study of broadcasting. Over spring break, mom came to Fort worth to get a play set from a friend at work. It took up my dad's truck and stock trailer. Mom said that Aiden kept asking to put it together every five minutes. So, Mom, Aiden, and Zachary pulled the twisty tube slide out and she said that the two boys and Emi played in the tubes forever.
The Doctor says that we are getting out of here next week. Praying this happens. That would be one step closer to home.
axe throwing
2 months ago
Praying that next week is exit strategy day 1!!! Go Corn Go!!!!