Where to start? Well, I picked Angie up from school after her UIL meet. I know that she made it to the finals in oral reading, so that means she was somewhere between first and sixth place. They make us wait until 6 week assembly time to find out about ribbons or medals etc. Remember the ole school meets and the 5$ for lunch. Well, my daughter "forgot" about it and used the couple of dollars extra I gave her. They told me they weren't sure yet if she would be on the early or the late bus, but they'd call me and let me know, so I sent some cash for an afternoon snack. Well my child informed me that she ate a pickle and a candy bar for lunch and bought a water. She came home with half the water still in the bottle. Upon further interrogation, I learned that she was actually too nervous to eat. So, we had a chat about the brain working better when you "feed" it and I learned that it might be nice to send a blanket with a girl who's in a dress because buses are cold. I also learned that it might be nice to slip some peanut butter crackers or a granola bar in her pocket now and again.
While I was waiting for Ang, Tony and I hung out in the car(it was less than thirty minutes and our roads are really muddy right now). Yesterday, we read the Lewis Carroll biography. I was asking him what other biographies the school had, and he came home today with the Martin Luther King, jr bio and the Mark Twain bio. As he's telling me this, he looks in his backpack and golly gee, he had left one in his desk. So, in we go. We stop at the tree for him to show me his ornament he proceeds to entertain several teachers. He's quite funny and naturally I hear, it must be a riot at your house. I don't say much because no one believes me when I tell them that he is my quietest kid. He mostly entertains others and at home he goes with the flow and is pretty content not to be in the spotlight.
Oh, I forgot to mention that he got an expander on his teeth yesterday, so he drools alot and talks with a lisp, which only makes him that much funnier. He says his official language is gibberish, and that I am his personal translator. It comes off in 14 weeks and I am counting the days. Next week he gets to go for his eye exam. Brian asked me when I was going to be done "nerding our son up."
Tonight we read the Gift of the Magi by the fire. Tomorrow I will read something more their level, just to keep them guessing. Did they get it? well, not really. The language is a bit difficult, but Brian and I explained it as best we could.
They had a seminar at the school on kids and the internet and cell phones etc. I thought it was pretty good info. We also had our Health advisory council meeting. I'm pretty excited about this even though I have no idea what to do with it. They gave us some info and suggested we search and see what the "big" schools are doing. Its a pretty neat concept. It is required that every school have one, and that it be parent run and a majority of members be parents. We are supposed to evaluate the health programs at the school--from employee health, to health ed, phys ed, nutrition etc and suggest programs to offer parents, suggest curriculum changes etc. Our council is made up of the counselor, the nurse and surprise surprise, the three moms that also signed up to be volunteers in the elementary school. We wrangled one of the jr high moms into it that was at the seminar. But the three of us arent dealing with certain issues yet. Of the three of us, I have the oldest kid and she's 8. So, any suggestions please email them to me.
axe throwing
2 months ago
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