Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of school

So, these aren't the best pictures, but I was informed that it was impossible to smile a real smile with a giant pack on the back. I think I had more trouble getting up than the kids and Zach was understandably tired since he was up until almost 11:00I had the kids in bed by 8:30, Angie and Tony were finally asleep at 9:00 and Mr Zach was still up at 10:30 talking to either himself or his imaginary friend. That boy talks alot.

So we had some drama this morning. NOTE Zach's old, almost too small motorcycle shirt. I had laid out a perfectly acceptable new blue polo shirt that was ok when I asked him on Saturday, but this morning oh no, not good enough. Yes, I realize that this was just a stall tactic, but yes I did cave and let him wear one of his favorite OLD shirts to school.

Angie and Tony settled right in and we took Zach to his class. He settled right in as well, asked politely for a puzzle and went to work. As we left, someone turned on the waterworks, and I'll just say it wasn't me.

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