Yesterday we finally made our trip to the FW science museum. Tony has been asking for forever to see a mummy and the exhibit leaves Jan 3. I had no idea how packed it would be. This was our first trip since the museum was remodeled. Brian and I were a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it is super nice, but we kind of liked the old smaller museum. This one is beautiful, more spread out, but has a mall feeling rather than a museum feeling. The Egypt exhibit was awesome. I was a bit bummed that my kids weren't more excited, and the mummy kind of freaked Angie out. She refused to look at it. But the whole exhibit was very interesting and she did say that she liked the hieroglyph exhibit.
I have two other science musuems that I hope to check out in the coming year, The Mayborn at Baylor, and the San Antonio HEB tree house. I have to tell you that the Planetarium was AMAZING! I know very little about stars/space/astronomy, but after that visit we will be visiting other planetariums for sure. They gave us a link for a star chart to print out and put together, and if you haven't tried Star Walk on the iphone, I think it is my favorite app ever. I was so surprised at how much the kids enjoyed the planetarium, even Aiden and Emi. When I asked the kids to tell me their one favorite thing of the day Aiden said that he thought the "trip through the milky wave was the best". I probably should have corrected him, but I thought it was super cute. They had a couple meteorites on exhibit, and Zachary showed me a rock today that I am pretty sure is one. Its the same color and texture as the one they had and it is very heavy. Who knows? He's had it on his shelf at least a year, I would be curious to find out though. That reminds me, I hope to also get to the meteroite exhibit at TCU.
When I asked Zachary his favorite thing, he refused to tell me, and when Amie was cutting his hair today, he told her to go to Sea world instead! My inlaws call him a ball buster. He's a mess for sure. Later he will subtly bring up the thing he liked.
I packed a cooler and they no longer allow outside food and drink, so we ate our lunch in the car. The kids didn't mind because they got to watch tv while they ate and Brian and I sat on the tailgate. Dave Ramsey would be proud, but its not just about the money, but about health and waste. It is ridiculous for us to buy hot dogs, nachos etc and watch the kids not eat. But, make them a sandwich and give them some fruit and they tear it up. Now I did let them have cheetos but still what a treat. I hope that they have good memories of lunches like this.
These are just a few pictures. Overall, it was a good day.