Friday, July 16, 2010


Yeah yeah, I know I haven't gotten pictures on here yet. Here's a few random ones for kicks. The kids are all smiles about their lunchables. Seriously, they are super excited. When you are a family of 7 this is not something that is on your grocery list as a norm. This particular day, we were very busy at home cleaning, so this was an easy lunch (no dishes). That, and the fact that they wore me down at the grocery store.
The last picture is one of Zach and Aiden rocking out. It cracks me up, you put on a song they love and they immediately go for the Wii instruments. This particular day they are jamming to Weird Al's Lala la lasagna. Don't ask me, They LOVE this song and Zachary knows every word.

The next time I post pics you will get to see all their new haircuts. Amie did a fantastic job with the oldest 4. I don't need to tell you how hard it is to find someone that is good with kids cuts.

But that wasn't the only change I was referring to with the title. I am officially a part time employee. Yep, I'm nervous, I'm scared, but I am also excited and I know that things will work out and that I will be rewarded for putting my husband and my kids first. I don't know yet how I will do my schedule, and am trying out a couple different things, but I do know that I will be working 2 days a week. This is huge for us. I'm cutting my income by 1/3. Who does that in this economy? We do.

I found an online public school. Now, I'm perfectly content with the school the kids go to. They are happy and thriving. But I was still curious. So, I requested info, but my children have informed me that they love their school. So, we continue as we were. We may revisit this again in middle school but for now, I'll just continue to supplement their education at home. So, we aren't making that change this year.

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