Saturday, April 17, 2010

Zoo field Trip

Wednesday I went with Zachary to the Abilene zoo. I was amazed at how well behaved and respectful he was. Not exactily how he is at home ;) They had some classroom time and were able to pet a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, a pancake tortoise, a corn snake and a guinea pig named Dr Pepper. Their new classrooms are pretty nice and there are a couple areas of construction. The weather was perfect and we had a nice picnic lunch. I got a big kick out of listening to Zachary and counting how many sentences he started with "Tony says...." Trust me, if there's something to know about animals, Tony knows. When we go to that zoo Tony is our personal tour guide. He knows the animals names, where they came from, how long they've been at the zoo, what they eat....on and on. When I asked Zachary if he wanted to go to zoo camp with Tony he said "Nah, I'll just learn whatever I need to know from Tony." Too funny.

1 comment:

  1. That giraffe pic is AWESOME!!! I want the giraffe to lick me thru a fence too!
