Brian and Zac are out tossing the pigskin. Zac is a natural. He starts practicing with his flag football team this Thursday. When we signed Zac up he wasn't too happy about it. He says that he is more of a sitting on the couch eating chips watching footbal kind of guy. I hope that he enjoys it. He seriously needs a physical outlet. I've seen a huge change in him this summer and I can't wait to see what this school year brings. I ran into his teacher for the upcoming year at the technology institute last week. Soo excited that he has Mrs. Lee. Actually I would have been happy with either first grade teacher, but I think she will be good. She actually taught kindergarten and GT at our school and then left for 2 years and is back now. Her daughter will be in Aiden's pre-k class.
Aiden will be going to school from 12:30-3:30. Not too bad. That means that we can do the toddler class at the zoo for one more year. I plan on working with him with the book Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. Emi will be spending Tuesdays at Joy Station Tuesday school. And both the little ones will be continuing gymnastics.
Tony will be entering the 4th grade. He will have the same teacher that he had for second grade. She gives alot of homework, but I do like her as a person. She scores points for her husband. She's married to my friend Phillip's brother, Michael. I know that Tony will do fine, I'm hoping that he and I can work on some personal goals. He's never had a friend.
Angie will be starting a new adventure. The 5th grade changes classes, so he will have different teachers for different subjects. And for the first time, her grade will be divided. She has some bright kids in her class, so I'm expecting it to be a good year.
well, someone forwarded me an interesting link. I'll write more later.
axe throwing
2 months ago