Saturday, June 26, 2010


If you asked Angie and Tony what they did this summer, they'd say: "we learned latin, studied poetry, read classic literature, studied history, etc". If you asked Zachary what he did, he'd say "I rode my bike, swam and played in the mud every chance I got, and it was AWESOME." Too funny. These are a couple of pics of our trip to the Llano river. On the left Zach is telling me to "take the picture so we can swim".

Brian and I just got to go for the day because we both had to work Sunday, but mom and dad stayed through Monday. The kids had a blast camping on the river. It was a private rv park in Junction, and it was exactly what we all needed. The pecan trees where massive. Mom said that Sunday once people started clearing out, the kids found several rope swings tied up in those trees. We swam and kayaked the river and Tony caught two fish.

I had a bit of a frustrating week with the kids. I vowed that I was taking them out of all activities. Zachary had some sort of emotional breakdown on Thursday and refused to do gymnastics. He kept crying that he needed his dad. Very unlike him. Today he's made lots of comments about being glad that his dad isnt sick anymore, so I don't know if the two were related. But, as Brian says, I always say that and then I sign them up for stuff. Like today when I went down and signed them up for swimming lessons the last two weeks of July, sigh. If only I didn't feel that it was important for them to be safe in the water.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the swimming lessons! Can the rest of it. You've all had a rough year.
