Well, things have been--lets just say unusual the last month or so with my daughter. She's moody, glaring daggers, back talking, well on her way to being a teenager. I told Brian before she left that I felt like we were losing our sweet little girl each day and she was being replaced by someone I didn't even recognize. The day before she left was especially bad. Let's just say that something happened involving her and her Aunt Pammy and I was furious. Maybe I'll post about it in a later blog, but the root of it was that she went behind my back after I told her no about something and Aunt Pammy felt like she could make a decision reserved for Angie's mom and dad.
Brian and I had talked about making some major changes once she gets back. But then I've talked to her several times this week, and she sounds like my sweet little girl. She has fished, rode in carriage, picked blackberries, made cobbler, shopped and tomorrow night she is spending the night at my uncles cabin that has no electicity, no running water or bathroom, and she is super excited. All of which, I get her hear a minute by minute account of, which I love. She's spent the week hanging out with Alex, my Uncle Jim's granddaughter, and about every other sentence is Alex and I.... She has been praying for a friend for a long time, and this summer she has spent time with Bella and now Alex.
I pray that I have the wisdom to give her whatever it is that she needs. That I can figure out how I am supposed to parent her, and that she stays sweet for as long as possible. She is really a good kid, and when she isn't like often here lately I think I overreact a bit. The bar that I've set for her is really high, maybe too hight.
axe throwing
2 months ago
Pray about it and listen to your husband. Sometimes they are better about keeping emotions out of things than we are. :-)