Well,this blog is mostly focused on the kids, well because they are my focus, but I do have a couple things to put in here.
First we are loving our organic produce coop. I'm thankful for a supportive husband that doesnt mind going to pick it up every two weeks, and we have been very pleased with the amount and quality of stuff. The coop has message boards so people are kind enough to post recipes for things that I have no idea what to do with. I just want us eating more fruits and veggies and if its here I'm so cheap its not going to go to waste. Plus there are things that I just don't normally buy, like raspberries, but the three youngest kids sat down and ate the whole carton.
We started taking the kids to Pam's church on Wednesdays for TEAM kids. Its been a bit rocky, but I think we are going to stick with it. Its at a baptist church, one place Brian and I never saw ourselves. Last week they had the kickoff at the park. The kids played for about ten minutes and they said lets gather around and say the blessing and then we'll walk up and have hotdogs. well we gathered around and the skies opened up on us. It was kind of funny. SO, they broght the food to us and the rain whipped into the covered pavillion.
My kids huddled up together shivering and eating their dogs. SO, this week, we dropped them off at the church gym and went to take Aiden and Emi to the nursery. Brian was upset that we just left Zach so he went to check on him and he was just fine. So, the nursery was pretty rocky. Keep in mind Aiden and Emi have been with no one except us, my sisters and my parents. So, Pam snuck out, I snuck out and Brian snuck out last. They said Aiden adjusted pretty quick and the lady actually does a "class" for their age. You know bible songs and such. They said Emi never got used to them, she was holding a baby a blanket an elmo and something else and she kept trying to get Aiden to hold her. We all went to I think it was a "women's" bible study since there were two men, but Brian didn't seem to mind.
The lesson they are doing now is awesome. I'll have to post more about that later. But they were talking straight to me. Let me tell you all the inadequacies I feel we laid before me.
Today I volunteered for a couple of hours at the kids school. Yesterday they gave me orientation of the copy machine. Don't laugh, but that thing is complicated. So, today I made copies then I went to the first grade class and worked one on one with a little boy on reading. Then they went to recess and I went to a second grade class (not Tony's) and helped read AR questions and helped a little girl with reading. I'm loving it. Hopefully I make a difference, plus I get to see my kids and the teachers etc.
Well, time to go get Zach and then off to the library to return some late books.
baby in bloom cookies
3 weeks ago