This week will be the last of the summer camps. Yeah. You should know that I'm a little neurotic when it comes to this venture in parenting. I start in March planning our summer including reading lists, workbooks and other educational items, and yes, summer camps. Every summer, I come away with a few more things to add to the list of things that just don't work for us. Hopefully, along the way I have given the kids a good memory or two.
I posted pictures of Threshold, the GT camp at Hardin Simmons. THis mom gives it two thumbs up! What a great experience for the kids. They get to spend the whole week with other kids who love to learn.
Last week, Angie, Bella, and Angie's friend Marin spent the week at The Grace Museum Culinary camp. Wow, it was amazing. I was more than a bit jealous. TSTC provided the instructors and they spent the week cooking healthy versions of kids favorites. For example, they made pizza with honey instead of sugar in the dough, and ranch dressing with yogart instead of mayo. Each day there was a drink of the day, watermelon lemonade, coconut smoothies, old fashioned low fat chocolate malts. Yum. They got a cookbook and a t-shirt as well that they decorated during camp. Angie was really excited to learn that their instructor won the very first episode of chopped. We even pulled it up and watched it on youtube.
Tony and my nephew Landen spent the week at a drama camp at the Methodist church. They did a musical version of the jungle book. It was so good. My son was definately in his element this his microphone and killer dance moves! Gosh I love that kid.
Tony spent this week at zoo camp. This is his third year, and probably last, at least at the Abilene zoo anyway. The boy knows alot about animals! Thankfully, midweek I decided to pay for the after care program. T stayed at the zoo and Katie picked him up when she got off work. It was his favorite part!! He helped feed animals and then played zoo tycoon. And, I saved a ton of money on gas!!
I picked up a book called Parenting Gifted Kids, by james Delisle. In between other "fun" mindless escape reading, I've been reading this book here and there. I have to say, its a great read, and not just for parents of kids who are "gifted". Over the last year I have read several snoozers in this area, and this book has really been speaking to me. Maybe, its because I believe in his messages. It talks about teaching your children that "better at" does not mean "better than". Amen preach it to the choir!! Seriously though. Everyone wants their kids to be smart and successful, but its kind of a waste if we don't teach them to be good people.
In a few weeks it will be back to school time. Not a major transition in our house. I bought the Target boxes from the school, so I just have to go pick them up. We reuse backpacks and I have a few in the closet I bought on clearance should anyone need a "new" one. I will make sure everyone has tennies that fit, and that's about it. They can usually wear shorts into October, so I will usually buy jeans later after the back to school hoopla wears down. A friend at work gave me a list of a couple of consignment type places to try. We'll see.
Big trip to Canada the last week of August/first week of September, and then its back to the Dave Ramsey attacking the debt plan.
axe throwing
2 months ago