I really need to start blogging more. I guess I just haven't been feeling it lately as you can probably tell from the last few posts. Truth is I'm not feeling it now. My kids are growing like crazy and super cute so I should have lots to write about. Guess I have bloggers block :)
Summer is in full swing here. Every year I overplan, worrying that the kids are going to be bored and not have anything to do. Well, summer is flying by.
We picked up Landen and Bella on Tuesday and they will be here until the end of July. Bella and Angie are thick as theives and having a blast. She went to VBS with the kids this week, the library program and gymnastics. When I took the kids to open gym, Robert, the owner, let her do gymnastics too. She was over the moon. Landen is doing good, I just need to work on finding an older kid for him to hang out with. He's pretty content to hang out with Brian. We've been swimming the last 3 days, and today Brian let him drive the car down the road to take out the trash. Next week is swimming lessons.
I'm working on me. It sounds awful, but I've been having a tough time recently. I'm a wife, a mom, a daughter, but its so hard to be defined by what you mean to others, especially when you rarely feel appreciated. Now, I'm not trying to diminish the value of motherhood, its a job I take seriously. But, I need to start doing a few things for me. The kids are getting big enough that I don't have to hold then constantly so I get to actually swim some in the pool. My arms are sore, and I love it!! I joke that I am a daughter of poseidon. I've been trying to wean myself off of sugar, and am upping my fruit and veggie intake.
Brian bought me a NOOK and I am loving it. I have been checking out e-books from the library. I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it is to be able to download a book from home, read it, and then it just drops off after 21 days if you forget to return it. I throw my NOOK in my purse, or I can use the NOOK app on my phone and I can read anytime I want.
axe throwing
2 months ago