I can't believe that it has really been five weeks since I've posted anything. That is unheard of! My last post says that we were getting ready for Colorado, so lets start there. Colorado was awesome!! We got to spend lots of time with family and do some touristy things and it was not super crowded because their Spring Breaks are later. We went to Seven Falls, Garden of the Gods, and the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Center. I could have stayed all day at Garden of the Gods, but we had to leave to have lunch with Brian's mom. So, we promised ourselves another trip there. The Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Center has to be one of the best kept secrets of Colorado. It was amazing! Juanita had an interesting conversation about the fact that there was no mention of other theories such as the creationist theory and she wondered if I was offended. Truthfully, regardless of what you believe, being there really makes you think about the fact that we are just here for a blink. A theory is just an idea that someone twists concrete evidence to support. I find the concrete evidence, such as fossils fascinating by themselves. I have a mental list of the places I want to go next visit :)
The kids are busy with activities. Angie is playing softball and Zach and Aiden are in tball. At practice on Tuesday, Angie's coaches talked to the girls about their attitude. Their name is extreme attitude and it fits. In the huddle up they are only allowed to say extreme because we don't want the attitude. LOL. I was so proud of Angie for not getting caught up in it. First game, even though they lost, she was the last batter and she went out and scored a run! It really broke the ice. And she wasn't even feeling well. She missed 4 days of school with some mystery illness that ended with a rash. But as soon as it showed up she finally felt better. The boys coach seems nice, and the boys are having fun. They won't have a game for a couple of weeks, so I will have more to say about them later.
Angie turned double digits. She had her first sleepover, five girls. I think it went pretty well. Crazy girls got in the pool. Angie got a ping pong table and a kayak for her birthday. They practiced kayaking in the pool which was so funny. We had homemade pizza, and I made chocolate fondue. Her birthday cake was brownies with vanilla icecream and marichino cherries. They always come up with something! We karaoked outside, and the next day I took them to home depot and we built a planter box. Who knew that they did free building projects with the kids the first saturday of each month? You get an apron and each month that you come you get a project pin. Cool!
Ok, Baby Evan, my nephew is stirring, I have lots more to post later.
axe throwing
2 months ago