Well, I guess I would say that we are up to a whole lot of nothing. At least it is our nothing, right? The kids finished school on Thursday. I now have a 4th grader, a 3rd grader, and a kindergartener. Mr. Aiden will go to Tuesday school in the fall, so Tuesdays it will be just me and Emi. The kids had a very good school year overall. I think many were surprised that they did as well as they did considering the stress our family has been under since in December. Both of the older kids made all "A"s. Angie's year average was a 95 in math. To hear her tell it, its because she isn't good at math. She received several awards including student of the year for third grade. Tony recieved some awards as well, but his are wadded up in the bottom of his backpack :)
I promised the kids two camps this summer if they made all "a"s so later I'm sure I will be writing about GT camp, softball camp, and zoo camp. The kids are also doing gymnastics one day a week, vacation bible school and a soccer camp. Tony has been telling me for a couple of years that he wants to paly soccer, but when I told him that it was played outside and that he'd have to run after a ball, he wasn't so sure. So we are trying an inexpensive 4 day camp.
Angie has a dance recital next week. She has a practice Wednesday, a dress rehearsal Thursday and a full recital Friday and Saturday. Ugggh. She loves her ballet class, but not so much the childrens broadway class afterward. There are only four girls in that class so the teacher really points out every little thing they do wrong. I told Angie that its not personal and that she just wants to help her improve, but its like watching the air being let out of a balloon--watching her face in that class. On the way home Thursday, we talked about maybe only doing one dance class or maybe going back to gymnastics. We will see what the summer brings.
One of the mom's Thursday was talking about her daughter's voice lessons. So I ask where they do voice. She tells me Howard Payne, "but its really expensive". At first I was pissed. These snooty dance mom attitudes get under my skin, but then I thought "she's right, it probably is more than I'm willing to pay." We are on a budget, but I was thinking more about other prices we pay. And Brian and I are trying very hard to put our kids in things that are going to build them up. They have wonderful spirits and I don't want that changed.
I talked to my boss about going to part time, so I will be taking the leap in July. I am nervous, but I'm also excited. I think two days a week will be a huge help to our family. We're doing some things to prepare and budget, and there are going to be some things that we have to say no to, but I think it will be good. We cancelled our directv and our movie store membership. Next month we hope to pay off the last of our credit card debt. Brian changed his shift to 4, 10 hour shifts, so he will be home every evening. This will be better for the kids, but I worry about the extra driving on Brian.
yep that's right, he's back at work. He's working 8 hour shifts to start with. He's doing pretty well, and has a PET scan June 18th. Please keep praying that this scan is clean and that he continues to heal.
axe throwing
2 months ago